10 Stage Photomultiplier
Diameter: 38,8mm
Diameter photocathode: 34mm
Total length: 108mm
Base type: FE1112
Peak sensitivity: 425nm
I found this Photomultiplier to be a great choice for experiments like gammaspectroscopy and particle detection with several scintillators emitting in the blue spectrum.

I bought ab Box of brand new (old) tubes from a very nice guy. They were supposed to go to the trash in the first place but this guy knew what they were worth, so I investet half a fortune and have a lifetime supply of them. I am sure there are many more out there yet to be found. You can determine a dead photomultiplier with no vacuum when it has a clear front window. It has to be brownish/yellow. Anyways this given does not 100% insure it will work. PMTs can go blind when they are exposed to too much light with HV applied.

The base of the tubes is called FE1112. The cathode is the pin with no direct neighbor pins. A good thing is that those pins are solderable and presumably made of copper or nickle. Nevertheless you should be very careful soldering something directly to the pins. If they expand too much due to heating, they can break the vacuum and make the tube worthless.

I like to go with the voltage divider given in the schematic because it only uses one wire for +HV and signal (eg. you can use just one BNC cable for the probe). In the amplifier, there must be a so called splitter consisting of a load resistor and a capacitor. It separates the signal from the HV part. NOTE: this schematic can only be used for positive high voltage.