Tag: Make
SiPM Pocket Scintillation Detector
This device uses a Broadcom AFBR-S4N66C013 SiPM and a 16×30 mm² NaI(Tl) scintillator to make an extremely portable and powerful handheld scintillation detector. The SiPM carrier board and the driver board are developed by NuclearPhoenix on GitHub. Huge thanks to him for his help and his projects that try to make SiPMs available for a…
Simple Geiger-Mueller Tube driver
There are many different geiger counter boards. The most common blue board is pretty cheap to get but it has a ton of components on it. It is not very compact and without having measured it, I think the current draw makes it not efficient at all to use with batteries. My goal was to…
Building the biggest scintillation detector
Fortunately I was able to get my hands on a gigantic NaI(Tl) detector. The crystal inside is 3″ by 8″ which is 76mm in diameter and 203mm in length. It weights about six kilograms (12 pounds). The crystal is made by Bicron and I bought it from Albuquerque, New Mexico. My small 2″ x 2″…
Radiation Dose Datalogger
Upon a request of someone I have made a device that measures the backround radiation and transmits the measured values via USB to a PC or a Raspberry Pi. It will then be used to make a graph of the doserates and / or CPM. The unit is pretty much only a derivated type of…